Road accidents in Tamil Nadu, a state in South India, are among the highest in India. In 2013, the state recorded 15,563 fatalities in the 14,504 recorded accidents, the highest for any state in India. The state also topped the list of most accidents in a state for all previous ten years from 2002 to 2012. According to the report of two experts published in the International Journal of Research in Management and Technology, driving under the influence of alcohol accounts for 70 per cent of accident fatalities in India.
According to a report released by the Tamil Nadu Police in 2013, there were a total of 15,563 fatalities in 14,504 recorded accidents. The corresponding number of people sustaining grievous injuries in 4,715 accidents was 6,513, and the number of people who sustained minor injuries was 69,168 in 44,158 accidents. A total of 2,861 people escaped injuries. The state also topped the list of most accidents among all states for all previous ten years from 2002 to 2012. It was estimated that were around eight accidents every hour and a total of 15 percent of all accidents in the country occurred in the state. The data from National Crime Record Bureau indicated that the state capital, Chennai, had 9,663 accidents, the most of any city in India in 2012. During 1990, the state stood second behind Uttar Pradesh in the country with 6,693 recorded accidents.
As per the report published by the State transport authority in 2013, out of 66,238 accidents, two-wheelers were involved in 22,496 accidents, cars, jeeps, taxis and tempos in 18,658, trucks in 9,192, government buses in 3,765, private buses in 3,564, three-wheelers in 2,983 and others in 5,580. As per the same report, 20,686 accidents occurred in national highways, 20,984 in state highways, 17,401 in district roads and remaining 7,167 in village roads.
Article Source : Wikipedia
Article Source : Wikipedia